
Hello there, stranger! 👋

About me

My name is Fernando, and I like learning and solving hard problems. Especially when it comes to computers, engineering and languages.

I currently work at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) as an assistant professor in the school of Telecommunications Engineering. You can check out my previous projects, and my publications. Feel free to get in touch through the comment section, an e-mail (my first initial @sanchezrada.es) or any other platform. I am always happy to help and collaborate.

About this blog

I use this blog for future reference, to write down some of the lessons I learn so. I also see it as an exercise in reflection and sorting out my ideas. Although I mostly do this for myself, to keep some lasting notes for the future, I also do it in hopes it might help someone like me in the future.

Each post is an independent note. To keep some structure I will try to stick to general categories (e.g., programming, project management, linux), and add meaningful tags to help you and me find this information in the future. You may also use the search bar if you are looking for something specific and wondering if I’ve covered it. For short thematically connected snippets and tips, I keep a dedicated section with Cheatsheets.

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